Get Freelance Leads

Remote Part-time Jobs and Projects for Developers

Most freelance developers understand the pain of constantly looking for clients. You constantly have to check online for available jobs, and sorting and filtering these jobs to find the ones worth pursuing can be a pain.

It take's awhile to find leads. In fact, it takes so much time that you will likely avoid it, especially if you're already loaded with billable hours. This causes you to miss out on great clients.

Ideally, great leads would just come to you.

This would save you time and allow you to have more billable hours...but you and I both know that's not often the case.

But what if the leads did come to you? What if you could skip spending your time looking for leads?

Well... that's why I built It's a done-for-you lead-gen service for freelance developers.

Here's how it works:

For $179 a month, I send you a consistent flow of potential clients and cash-generating projects for your business. You skip spending your time looking for leads. All you have to do is send out a few emails every couple days to the leads I send you. This allows you to focus the rest of your time exclusively on billable tasks.